Pick ONE Thing to Change

We are either growing, maintaining, or withering.

I choose to grow.  It doesn’t mean I’m always doing a great job of it, and some areas I’m more invested in pursuing growth than others, but growth is important to me.

Is it important to you?


Are you changing?

Let’s make this digestible.  What’s ONE AREA where you need to make a change? 

I said NEED.  We’re talking about an area of your life where you know you it’s just gotta happen.

Next question:  WHY?

WHY do you need to make a change in this one area?  What will the BENEFITS be when this change is actually happening?

Next question:  do you WANT to change this one thing?

Wanting to and needing to are two different things altogether.  Pick an area that you have some motivation to pursue some growth and change.

One caveat:  there are times when we don’t want to change at all, but we need to–where our “need” OVERRIDES our “want”.  In these cases, change IS possible, despite our “wanting to” being low.

For example, if our doctor tells us to lose weight and lower our blood pressure or else we’ll have a heart attack, there’s a good chance we’ll change.  We may not WANT to make the necessary lifestyle changes, but our need (hopefully) will override our want.

That aside, pick one thing that you actually DO want to change.  The process will be easier (if only because you’re motivated).

Remember, there’s only three choices–grow, maintain, wither.  If there’s NO area in your life where you’re wanting to grow and wanting to change, what’s your assessment?

Are you then maintaining or withering?

Or have you already “arrived”?  Have you already reached your potential and “maxed out” on your capacity for growth?

And hey, there’s nothing wrong with maintaining. Maintaining is good.

It’s just not great.

There are some areas of your life that deserve more “greatness” from you.  You KNOW I’m right.  You can decide what areas, but as a suggestion, consider your relationships and your health–these are always two good areas to start with if you don’t know where to focus.  Any growth need to happen there?

Whatever area you choose, I’m challenging you to pick ONE area and pursue some growth!

Then, start with a small, simple plan.

Go after that first small micro-goal–anything that demonstrates forward progress.

Then keep going.


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