Men's Goals Club

The PROBLEM:  You’ve been feeling the “3 S’s”stuck, stressed, and stagnant. This can mean different things, depending on who you are.  Perhaps you’re increasingly tired with low energy.  

Or, you’re unclear on your life direction and feel like your GPS is broken.  

You could be feeling ineffective in important parts of your life.

THE SOLUTION:  One great way to get UN-stuck is to be “pulled into the future” by a compelling vision that energizes you and is deeply aligned with who you are.  

I have a membership community called Men’s Goals Club designed for men who are serious about forging their future and creating a bold vision, ultimately achieving the high-impact goals they’ve set for themselves.

If you’re not sure how to do that, or it sounds like a lot, that’s why I’m here and why this program exists–I’ll walk you through it, building from the ground up, if necessary.

THE RESULTS:  You’ll begin building positive energyenthusiasm, and momentum.  Scroll down for a more complete list.

You have a blank canvas in front of you–this canvas represents your future.  What will you paint?  Or will you just let others fill your canvas with a splotchy mess of uncoordinated colors?

Why Goals?

Many people think goals “don’t work”, are unnecessary, or are an outdated way of pursuing achievement.

This is completely false.  You just aren’t practicing a METHOD that works.

Answer me this:  how many truly high-impact achievements in the last year can you point to–where you really “moved the needle” in your life–and DIDN’T actually use some kind of goal setting?  Did your success “just happen?”  Probably not.  People don’t usually just stumble into thriving and achievement.  There’s a structure to it.

And what if you DIDN’T experience any noteworthy progress personally, professionaly, or relationally in the last year?  It all starts with having an effective goals methodology, AND consistently implementing it. 

I’d imagine one of those 2 things, and probably both, didn’t happen.  As the saying goes, “the proof is in the pudding.”

Here’s a short list of why you need a robust goals methodology:

  • FOCUS – we wander without a clear target.
  • BOLDNESS – we stretch ourselves beyond our limits.
  • MOTIVATION – we “lean into” achievement. 
  • RESILIENCE – we get back up and recover from set-backs much more quickly.
  • STRUCTURE – we have a destination, a path, and a game plan, which is cooperating with how our brain works best.
  • CLARITY – we always know where we’re headed and what our “mission” is.
  • JUICE – we find ourselves experiencing the reinforcement of hitting our smaller targets that keep pulling us towards our one big target.
  • TIME – life is short, and we need an efficient way of living out our highest values and priorities.
  • ACCOUNTABILITY – an effective goals methodology keeps us accountable and honest.
  • CHANGEhow do you think change happens, other than getting clarity on your target and then progressively moving towards it??  This is how we are WIRED!  Oh sure, we can “change by accident”, but that’s not reliable and consistent.

But here’s a DEEPER REASON:  because we become stronger when we follow a course and stretch hard after something we value, and then accomplish it.  

We elevate ourselves in that particular area of life, but more importantly, we elevate ourselves as MEN, which has an ongoing ripple effect throughout our lives.  

And EVEN IF we’re making slow progress, or “worse”, we don’t achieve our goal the first time through, we still grow as men.  To endure the struggle and push against the resistance builds massive strength like nothing else.

Engaging in a goals process and seeing it through to the end is a crucial training ground for us to become better men.

A strong GOALS PRACTICE truly becomes a “way”, a discipline, that obviously results in you achieving what’s meaningful, but more importantly, forges your character and your spirit like few things can.

“The major reason for setting a goal is for what it makes you do to accomplish it.  This will always be far greater than what you get.”  – Jim Rohn

What If I Can't Come Up With Any Goals?

Then THAT will be your FIRST goal–to figure out where you need to put your energy.

Many times people without goals have been on auto-pilot, drifting along in the status quo.   “Things aren’t too bad”, they say.

They can be like that tired old hound dog, napping on the front porch, aware that he’s laying on a nail that’s poking him in the belly, but he’s kind of used to it, and it feels like too much work to get up and move.

However, you may be realizing that you’re pretty frustrated and unsatisfied with the status quo. That “nail” is starting to aggravate you.

Quite often we’ve become so accustomed to just drifting along that we’ve lost touch with ourselves in some important ways.  We’ve become “out of alignment” with ourselves.  

So much so that we can’t even come up with a goal or any kind of aspirational vision.

And if that’s the case with you, then that becomes your first assignment in my goals methodology.

What's This Membership?

My membership is month-to-month. Whenever you’re ready to stop, you simply do so before your next month renews.

Here’s what you’ll get each month:

  • No long-term contracts to worry about.  This is simply a month-to-month membership–stay as long as you like, and cancel whenever you want (you will have to finish out the current month you paid for)
  • Access to 2 group coaching calls via Zoom every month guaranteed (alone worth more than 10X the monthly fee)
  • On-demand access to my masterclasses as well as any bonus workshops I throw in there
  • Opportunities for occasional 1:1 “laser coaching” sessions with me
  • Private community forums to interact with other members about your journey of challenges and victories, set your game plan, report your progress, and get your questions answered
  • A supportive place to learn and practice the MGC method (your “success engine”) of goal creation and achievement until it becomes automatic
  • A community that’s dedicated to supporting each other in practicing courage, often the difference-maker between success and failure

All of the above has a VALUE of well over $500/month.  However, the current price is only . . . $49/month!  Why so inexpensive?
The reasons are personal–let’s just say I want to see men empower themselves in healthy, life-affirming ways.
Nowadays, many of you reading this spend much more than $49/month just on coffee, snacks, drinks, etc., all of which have their place, but NONE of which move the needle of your life.
Invest in yourself in a way that has lasting value and makes an actual difference in your life, so that you can make an impact in your corner of the universe.  

By the way, this will likely be converted into a higher-ticket course.  For now though, it’s a month-to-month membership, for $49/month.

Join Our Community

QUESTIONS?  I invite you to shoot me a message via my contact form if you have any questions or need clarity on anything.

Or, if you’re ready to join, use the same contact form to let me know, and I’ll send you the login information.  Simple.

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