Men's Monthly Membership

Strengthening Men of Excellence

Welcome. I have a membership program for men who are in the 2nd half of life, roughly age 40 and above.

This membership is for you if you:

  • feel stuck
  • highly value personal growth
  • aspire to healthy masculinity
  • want to be a strong man in all the GOOD ways
  • desire to reconnect with manly virtue
  • hunger for personal excellence
  • are willing to lean into discomfort to grow
  • know you have potential you’re just sitting on
  • desire more energy
  • are willing to take action on your game plan
  • need to clarify your life direction
  • see yourself squandering opportunities
  • need structure for your “stretch goals” (or, you want to get back to setting goals like you used to)

The Problem

Men in the second half of life (roughly 40 and above) face new challenges that they’ve never encountered prior.

It’s normal for men to get stuck–sometimes SUPER-stuck–at a few different junctures in this time period, often leading to:

  • problems with their energy
  • decreased motivation
  • confusion about their life direction
  • declining confidence in their abilities
  • questions about their purpose, their “WHY”
  • struggles with change and transition
  • increased feelings of irrelevance

These stuck-points are often golden opportunities for transitioning into fresh chapters and new beginnings, OR, remaining in the same chapter, but from a more empowered, clarified, and focused position.

At the very least, ALL stuck-points are growth opportunities.

So many men are living far below what they were created for, and they know it. They might not be able to put words to it, but they definitely FEEL it.

The Solution

I have a monthly membership program that–to use a metaphor–seeks to plug the holes in the boat, where possible, while also tuning up the engine.

Now, often the boat and the engine are actually in good condition, but perhaps what’s really needed is a switch to some high-performance fuel.

The vessel, the engine, the fuel. What’s your assessment of these three things in your life? If you have no clue, we’ll take a crack at figuring it out. But often one, two, or three of these need some attention:

  • PLUGGING HOLES=enforcing healthy boundaries and limits with the behavior of others, as with your own behavior and appetites. Are you in sufficient control of your boundaries, and of your own spirit? Being in control of your boundaries, with both others and yourself, is where your power resides. This involves taking radical ownership of your “yard”–the areas of your life where you have legitimate authority to “rule,” eg, your time, your treasure, and your talents. Is your yard flourishing? Is it lush with growth and abundance? Healthy boundaries also means keeping the “trash” out of your yard–it’s protecting what you have ownership of. Also, plugging holes is about stopping the unnecessary drain of energy–your “life force” and your most precious asset.
  • TUNING UP THE ENGINE=leaning further into your potential, activating your signature strengths and using them more fully, and building a learning and growth loop into your daily life. Increasing your personal effectiveness, not only as a human, but as a man. Taking smart action, and knowing when to do so. Bringing healthy and effective structure to your life. Letting go of the people, places, and things that are “clogging up your engine.”
  • HIGH-PERFORMANCE FUEL=living a purpose-driven life, nurturing a dynamic spirit, getting strong support and useful challenge from your teammates (and if you lack teammates, building this up), practicing a high-performance mindset, and reconnecting to some high-impact goals.

My goal is to cover all of these, and much more, in due course.

The Results

This depends on the individual, exactly as the results from a proven weight training routine that’s designed to build strength depends on the individual. Similarly, with a weight loss program.

But what I CAN say is possible, for those who stay for an entire membership cycle, is:

  • renewing your energy
  • rebooting your life direction
  • understanding the map for all transitions
  • building your inner strength and confidence
  • grounding yourself in your core values
  • developing your personal “man”-ifesto
  • clarifying healthy masculinity
  • increasing manly virtue
  • building inner excellence
  • strenthening healthy boundaries
  • rooting yourself in deeper alignment
  • understanding your signature strengths
  • increasing ability to manage stress
And what does all THIS result in?

Ideally, a life of greater empowerment to move through this world with deeper purpose, as a man of excellence, activating your strengths on a daily basis and living a more fully engaged life, with clearer direction, and having the capacity to be impactful in your corner of the universe.


Who Am I?

My name is Sean Patrick Cox, from the great city of Chicago.  For the last 35 years I’ve been enjoying the privilege of partnering up with people to assist them in living lives of deep purpose, strong passion, and high performance.

This hasn’t simply been a “hobby”, side interest, or some mid-career transition.  This has always been THE sole focus in my professional life, though it’s also played a huge part in my personal life as well, all the way back to my teen age years.

High performance, personal growth, the healing path, and “decoding greatness” are topics that consume me and fill my brain, and are the things I constantly read about, ponder, and consult with clients on everyday.

I don’t pretend to know everything, but I have much experience with a wide diversity of clientele, who I’ve been very honored to work with and learn from. 

I’m also a licensed professional counselor. However, my work in this group is as a coach, doing coaching, and not as a therapist/counselor. These are different activites with a different focus. My work here is not a substitute for mental health counseling.

I’ve learned many things along the way, and testing and re-testing different frameworks and protocols, and developing my own best practices and methodology that you can’t figure out simply by reading a book or two – it takes field testing, practice, repetition, experience, and a lot of work over many years.

Some of my personal interests are biblical theology, traditional karate and its modern application, physical training, reading, and good conversation…and going for a long walk.

What's this Membership?

This is a month-to-month membership. 

Whenever you’re ready to stop, you simply do so before your next month’s payment automatically renews (there are juicy benefits, however, for those who stick around).

Here’s what you’ll get each month:

  • No long-term contracts to worry about.  This is simply a month-to-month membership–stay as long as you like, and cancel whenever you want (you will have to finish out the current month you paid for)
  • Access to 4 group coaching calls (one every week, with a different focus) via Zoom every month guaranteed. No obligation to come to every one–that’s up to you.
  • Access to any bonus workshops I present
  • Opportunities for occasional 1:1 “laser coaching” sessions with me
  • Private community forums to interact with other members about your journey of challenges and victories, to set your game plan, to report your progress, and to get your questions answered

All of the above has a VALUE of over $500/month (honestly, it’d be closer to $2,000/month).  However, the current price is only . . . $49/month

Why so inexpensive?
The reasons are personal–let’s just say I want to see men empower themselves in healthy, life-affirming ways.
Nowadays, most of you reading this spend much more than $49/month just on coffee, snacks, drinks, etc., all of which have their place, but NONE of which move the needle of your life.
Invest in yourself in a way that has lasting value and makes an actual difference in your life, so that you can make an impact in your corner of the universe.

Interested? Curious?

I have a brief fact sheet giving you further details, including:

  • topics discussed
  • structure of the groups
  • the 3 types of groups every month
  • how the community works
  • how to sign up

I’d be happy to email this to you.

And if you have any questions, please let me know!

To receive your fact sheet or to ask a questions, end me a message via my Contact page, and put “Membership” in the subject line.

Let’s talk soon.

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