Do You Need a Serious ENERGY RECHARGE?

Men's Renewal Lab

You CAN Stop Burning Out (yes, you)

THE PROBLEM: You’re feeling exhausted, stuck, and chronically stressed, all of which are creating negative scenarios and outcomes. You’re flirting with burnout, or perhaps you’ve already crossed that line. You see your performance slipping, and you’re afraid others are starting to see it, too.


THE SOLUTION: Join my Renewal Lab private coaching program (via Zoom), and build your customized “renewal platform”, straightening out those “kinks in your hose” to get that consistent flow going again. Learn my methodology that is the culmination of the last 35 years of working very closely with many clients.


THE RESULT: Regular and robust rest, recovery, and renewal. Building the structure that works best for you so that you’re experiencing stronger life balance, staying rooted to your core values and priorities, and living more deeply out of your purpose . . . everyday. Experience the development and integration of your internal power and external resilience. Developing effective and reliable rituals and practices to consistently recharge your energy, and thereby avoid burnout, so that you truly thrive rather than simply survive.


. . . all of which culminates in increased and renewable VITALITY, ENERGY, and FOCUS, providing the fuel to live a fully engaged life.


THE SAD ALTERNATIVE: Of course, MANY ignore the “warning signs” and inevitably crash and burn. Even though that “check engine” light is blinking on their dashboard, they keep driving . . . and keep driving. And their engine blows up.


BOTTOM LINE: Burnout PREVENTION is a lot easier, and cheaper, than Burnout RECOVERY. Get AHEAD of it!


My name is Sean Cox, from the great city of Chicago.  For the last 35 years I’ve been enjoying the privilege of partnering up with people to assist them in living lives of deep purpose, strong passion, and high performance.

This hasn’t simply been a “hobby”, side interest, or some mid-career transition.  This has always been THE sole focus in my professional life, though it’s also played a huge part in my personal life as well, all the way back to my teen age years.

High performance, personal growth, the healing path, and “decoding greatness” are topics that consume me and fill my brain, and are the things I constantly read about, ponder, and consult with clients on everyday.

I don’t pretend to know everything, but I have much experience with a wide diversity of clientele, who I’ve been very honored to work with and learn from.  

I’ve learned many things along the way, and testing and re-testing different frameworks and protocols, and developing my own best practices and methodology that you can’t figure out simply by reading a book or two – it takes field testing, practice, repetition, experience, and a lot of work over many years.

Burnout prevention has developed into an area of specialization over the years.

I get jazzed helping people succeed, and if you’re a good fit for 1:1 coaching with me, I’d welcome the opportunity to partner up with you.



Stay tuned! I am putting together a brief 9-minute video describing the nuts and bolts of my Renewal Lab program, which you’ll find helpful, I’m sure.  I’ll get you access to that video as soon as possible.

Come join me if you’re interested in building consistent rest, recovery, and renewal.  No, these “3 Rs” don’t automatically happen.  WE must actively develop  them.  We talk about various models, strategies, and tactics that work.


If you’re interested, contact me here, and simply put “Renewal Coaching” in the subject line.  Then I’ll respond with some details.


Your best days CAN be ahead of you, not behind you.


Life’s way too short to continue having things look the same and never changing.    


Contact me and let’s get you signed up!  If you have any questions, I’d be happy to answer them.


I look forward to hearing from you.

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